Glaucoma Treatment & Management
At Missouri Eye Consultants, our experienced doctors are here to help you avoid the lasting effects that glaucoma can have on your vision. Through comprehensive eye exams, personalized guidance and effective treatments, we’ll give you everything you need to see clearly for years to come.

What Is Glaucoma?
Glaucoma is a general term for the eye disease that harms your optic nerve and ultimately causes irreversible loss of your peripheral vision if untreated. The damage is caused by the intraocular pressure (IOP) inside of your eye being too high for the eye to handle. When your IOP is in an unsafe range, it can start to push on your optic nerve causing vision loss and over time, even blindness.
Are You At Risk for Glaucoma?
It is possible to have glaucoma and not even know it. Sometimes called “the silent thief of sight,” there usually aren’t any symptoms you’d notice until irreversible damage has already been done. We know how important early detection of glaucoma is, so we check for its signs during all regular comprehensive eye exams. So, while you may not have any symptoms of the disease, our doctors can still spot its presence using advanced technology and start you on a management plan as soon as possible. If caught early, glaucoma can usually be well managed preventing any noticeable vision loss to the patient.

Detect It Early
It is possible to have glaucoma and not even know it. Sometimes called “the silent thief of sight,” there usually aren’t any symptoms you’d notice until irreversible damage has already been done. We know how important early detection of glaucoma is, so we check for its signs during all regular comprehensive eye exams. So, while you may not have any symptoms of the disease, our doctors can still spot its presence using advanced technology and start you on a management plan as soon as possible. If caught early, glaucoma can usually be well managed preventing any noticeable vision loss to the patient.
Glaucoma Management
We’re proud to offer several options to help manage your glaucoma. All of our solutions are designed to keep your IOP in check and your sight protected. From eye drops, medication and even surgery, we have what you need to stay ahead of glaucoma.

These easy-to-use drops help decrease the intraocular pressure within the eye, helping to protect your optic nerve from any further damage.

Laser Treatment
For many patients an in office laser treatment can be an alternative to daily drops to lower the intraocular pressure. Whether drops are proving ineffective or just don’t fit a patient’s life style, our doctors can tell if you’d be a candidate for a laser procedure to help lower your IOP.

Surgical Solutions
For those with tricky cases of glaucoma, we offer surgical procedures that can help with your symptoms. These solutions are overseen by experts who make sure your eye pressure is relieved safely and comfortably.
Why Choose Us?
As a locally owned practice, we’re invested in our community members’ total eye health and want to make their experience a positive one that fulfills their every eye care need. Our doctors will prioritize the early diagnosis of glaucoma and other eye diseases that can impact your quality of life, and create a glaucoma treatment plan that gives you peace of mind. With our dedicated, knowledgeable staff, you’ll always have a partner to look out for your vision.

Glaucoma Specialists Near You
When you have a high-risk condition that needs specialized treatment, you want support that’s easy-to-reach, from doctors who want to go the extra mile for your wellbeing. And at Missouri Eye Consultants, that’s something we pride ourselves on. With decades of collective experience diagnosing glaucoma, and responding with personalized care, our eye doctors are no strangers to keeping your vision safe from this “silent thief of sight.” Thanks to advanced technology at each of our locations across Missouri, top-of-the-line care isn’t just close — it’s catered to you!
Serving Your Eyecare Needs For 60+ Years
Columbia (Keene St.)
500 N Keene St Suite 103
Columbia, MO 65201
(573) 874-2030
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Columbia on Nifong
900 W Nifong Blvd Suite 125
Columbia, MO 65203
(573) 874-2030
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